Kako planirati misiju u orbiti

Kako planirati misiju u orbiti

1. Miroslav Knežević, Medicinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Klinika za očne bolesti KCS, Serbia

Difference between examining eye and orbit is that you can’t see orbital content directly. If there is process in the orbit you need imaging equipment to visualize problem. Best solution in our opinion is multi slice CT scan. It shows bones, soft tissue changes and very good angiography. Also software enables you to make reconstructions, 3D reconstructions, all plains sections so that you can locate orbital disease and see its relations with surrounding tissues. Most important for planning orbital surgery is to define approach. If you select good approach surgery will be successful. Ultrasound can be used for fast evaluation and MRI is rare choice for pure defined soft tissue lesions.

Ključne reči :

Tematska oblast: Orbita, kapci, suzni aparat

Datum: 07.05.2017.

Drugi kongres oftalmologa Republike Srpske sa međunarodnim učešćem

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